


Financial Planners Ft Myers | What Is A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional?

 A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional is an individual who has satisfied the education, examination, experience, and ethics requirements from the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Board of Standards, Inc. In order to obtain authorization to use the designation a CFP® Professional must ...

  • Meet specific educational requirements including a bachelor's degree (or higher)
  • Pass a 10 hour test.
  • Work 3 years in a "qualifying" position in the financial planning field.
  • Pass a background check, pledge to follow a strict code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility, and comply with the Financial Planning Practice Standards.
  • Once certified, fulfill mandatory continuing education requirements.

The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional certification is a recognized standard of excellence for comprehensive personal financial planning and indicates a high level of competence and ethics. It is a prestige credential that validates, enhances, and legitimizes the worth and credibility of those authorized to use it.
