


Financial Planners Ft Myers I Benefits of Hiring a Financial Planner

There are a number of benefits an individual or business can derive from the hiring of a financial planner that have little to do with the return on their investments. Most of us have a number of different duties, tasks, and responsibilities taking large chunks out of our available time. There are only 168 hours in a week, and the average American will spend approximately 100 of those hours divided between sleep, work, and their commute to work. For most of us this doesn’t leave much time for other equally important needs, necessities, and obligations such as…

Quality family time
Meals (Preparation, eating, & clean up)
Social life

…time is a valuable resource, and most people have far less of it than they think they do! To keep adequately updated and informed on a vast array of parameters related to one’s financial strategies and investments will require a significant portion of one’s time. A financial advisor will monitor and assess all factors relevant to your strategy (plan) and make certain the path you’re on addresses your objectives. For an individual to accomplish this in his “spare time” would seriously deplete any time he had left for other pursuits! Hiring a financial planner is good TIME MANAGEMENT!

Another benefit of hiring a financial advisor is the advantage of having access to an unbiased, objective analysis of one’s goals and the changes/adjustments needed to attain them. Often times budgeting/investing priorities look quite different from the perspective of an outsider looking in .. a valuable resource to any long term financial strategy.

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