


Financial Planners Ft Myers I New Leadership

This has certainly been an interesting couple of days for the stock market. This time last week Greece had the entire world on edge as the Papendreou government sought to hold a referendum to let the citizens express their thoughts on the recent bailout package. This obviously caught everybody by surprise and facing opposition both within and outside his governing coalition Prime Minister Papendreou called off the proposed referendum and stepped down from his leadership position. As I write this, Greece is in the process of swearing in a new Prime Minister to take over and try and unite a country at a time that desperately needs it.
As we head into the weekend the world now switches its focus on Italy with the hopes that they will follow in Greece’s footsteps and elect a new Prime Minister. The question yet to be answered is whether or not Greece and Italy will have what it takes to turn their struggling countries around and do it in a way that forces the markets to react.

Eric Marvin Ft Myers financial advisor

One thing that remains clear is that we are living in a constantly changing and evolving world. With this in mind, never be afraid to ask a financial professional for help.
