


Financial Planners Ft Myers I Rumors, Rumors, and More Rumors

Eric M. Marvin

As volatility continues to swing out of control in both directions it is becoming seemingly harder and harder for the long-term investor to focus on their goals and objectives. Going forward, as this market continues to trade on rumors and headlines it will prove even more difficult to block out the noise of the day to day happenings. The best possible advice I can give is to talk with your financial professional as many times as it takes to feel comfortable about your portfolio and the market in general. You should never feel bad about picking up the phone and asking about your account. After all, it is your money and you should be more than entitled to take as much time of someone’s time as needed.

Retirement Planning Certification|Ft Myers Financial Advisor

Remember, markets are being driven by rumors and headline risk right now. Be careful out there and never be afraid to consult your financial professional for their independent advice.

Eric Marvin