


Financial Planners Ft Myers— Giving Thanks

Eric Marvin, CFP®, Financial Advisor

Today I am not going to talk about the markets, but rather take a minute and give thanks and reflect upon a great year.  This year has marked the beginning of a new chapter in my career upon beginning with J.P. Turner.  The transition was a little difficult at first, but looking back I wouldn’t have changed a thing.  Also, I recently got married in May and now my wife and I are expecting our first child next July. As we approach the end of the year and start a new one it is important to spend time with family, friends, and loved ones and cherish the moments that you have with each other.  I am extremely grateful for all of the support over the last several months and I look forward to making 2012 the best year yet! 

Eric M. Marvin
CFP® in Fort Myers, FL