


Financial Planners Ft Myers I Let’s Rally

Eric Marvin CFP®
13410 Parker Commons Blvd. Suite 101

I must say it is very nice to wake up and have several pieces of potential good news for the trading day. Housing starts and building permits rose higher than expected in November, which is on the backside of gains in builder sentiment.  In addition to the U.S. housing news, German business optimism rose unexpectedly while Spanish short-term debt costs fell rather dramatically.
Also today, United States Republicans and Democrats will attempt to come to grips with a potential extension of the payroll tax.

So far, global markets are taking all of these developments in stride, but as as we know they can turn on the slightest piece of headline news.  Stay informed out there and don’t be afraid to contact a financial professional for help.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Financial Planners, Ft Myers, Florida
(239) 288-6542