


Financial Planners Ft Myers I Waiting in Anticipation

On the eve of the all-important Euro Summit in Brussels the world financial markets appear to be waiting in anticipation to see if leaders can stop a run on the Euro currency. This reminds me of the holiday season as a kid when I would always wait and see what gifts would make it under the tree and who would put them there. You always hoped for that great new toy, but most of the time you would just add a new sweater to your pile of gifts.

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I think as long-term investors we should look at this upcoming Summit meeting as we have all of the other European meetings in the past. Hope for the best, but be prepared for a stalemate. What will be different this time around that causes them to finally put a permanent backstop in place?

Eric Marvin, CFP®, CRPC®
Investment Advisor Representative
Fort Myers, Florida