


Financial Planners Ft Myers I A new wave of Foreclosures

Eric Marvin, CFP®, CRPC®, J.P. Turner & Company, LLC

Starting in January a new wave of foreclosures may be about to hit the United States real estate market.  At the moment there are approximately 4 million past due loans that are stuck in the pipeline due to the holidays and other various reasons.  However, recent data in November from RealtyTrac suggests that the number of homes foreclosed on and sold via short sale were miscounted and would be revised upward in the coming months.
With many real estate markets across the country still reeling from the height of the market bubble several years ago it may take a little bit longer for some areas to finally reach a bottom.  Let’s hope these foreclosures are not enough to delay any potential recovery for the United States economy.

Eric M. Marvin